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Emergency: 098141-28667

Available 24/7 | Rana Hospital Sirhind, Punjab

Fistula Club

This club was started after we had done sufficient no of cases and experienced the problems, most common problem in fistula is that many patients come who were previously operated were in panic and were scared even from name of surgery.

fitsulaclubThey also have a common thinking that this disease will never be cured and all of them feel that after surgery dressings are very tough and painful. We tried all kind of ways like graphic demonstration, video presentation, counseling but still we could not satisfy the patient hundred percent. Then we decided to build a interactive club of fistula patients where we provided them a platform and now we realized that this was the solution.

Now whenever we operate a patient we give them a membership number, and list of other members. Then it becomes very easy for them to interact share their worries, their experiences good or bad. We have seen that interaction between patients makes patients very confident and they are mentally very clear for the options about fistula treatment post-operative care. This was a very ambitious project and those who are members know the benefits very well. Our clinical support staff is very active they provide support to each and every patient after treatment. We are trying our level best to improve the club activities every day.


Myths & Facts

There are several misperceptions about hemorrhoids (piles). Many people think that common activities such as eating spicy foods, riding a bike, sitting on cold benches or sidewalks, or having anal sex cause hemorrhoids. The development of hemorrhoids is not so simple. The real truth is – it is important for patients to have the facts about hemorrhoids (including common hemorrhoid myths) in order to prevent or treat the condition.

If you’re suffering from a hemorrhoidal condition and need accurate information, don’t hesitate to contact the colorectal and GI specialists at La Peer Health Systems’ Hemorrhoid Center of Excellence for a consultation.

Hemorrhoid Myths #1: Piles can lead to cancer.

Hemorrhoids may well be uncomfortable, painful and can progress, turning into quite a serious problem. However, that problem is not cancer. Piles are actually just swollen veins that cause discomfort and are not actually cells, which prevent the progression into cancer. Cancer is the division and mutation of cells and so is completely different but that it not to say that you should assume that your piles are nothing serious. Some cancer patients are susceptible to piles so you should always seek medical attention.

Myth 2: Hemorrhoids are permanent and you cannot cure them.

As with most other health issues, hemorrhoids are not permanent because of their very nature. They are swollen veins that have the ability to change as time goes by. As such, there are plenty of ways in which you can cure and solve your hemorrhoids problem over time.

Myth 3: Piles can be caused by having anal sex.

Anal sex is not a major cause of piles. Although having anal intercourse can make existing hemorrhoids worse, there is no proof that it causes them to begin with.

Myth 4: Spicy foods cause hemorrhoids.

Spicy foods can cause problems with your digestive system because it tends to upset the balance of your stomach. However, it cannot cause piles because spicy food does not affect the veins in the rectal area.

Myth 5: Sitting on a cold sidewalk can cause piles.

This hemorrhoid myth is almost laughable. Sitting on a cold sidewalk, seat or anything else will not cause Piles. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Cold pavements will cause the veins to move further into the body to retain heat. Sitting or standing in the same position for a long period of time can cause piles though because of the strain placed on the rectum.

Myth 6: Hemorrhoids is a senior citizen problem.

Any person of any age can get piles, although older people are more likely to suffer with them because of the degradation of the body and weakening of the rectal walls. However, you should not dismiss the possibility based on age.

Contact The Rana Piles Hospital Today

At the Rana Hospital doctors make it a goal to inform patients of their conditions, diagnostic tools and treatment options. Learn more about hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid treatments, including rubber band ligation and hemorrhoidectomy, by calling 098141-28667 or contact Dr. Suri at Rana Hospital today to get the facts.

Our Expertise in Medical Services

Rana Hospital was started with a  dream of providing the best facilities for Piles, Fissures, Fistula and all Anorectal problems.


Mon to Sat:
8:30 AM – 1:30 PM
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Mon to Sat:
9:00 AM – 1:30 PM
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Call for an appointment

limcabookLimca Book of Records

Rana Hospital made in to LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS for operating 391 piles patients on 27th Oct,2013.

We have the credit of starting the best Treatment for the first time in region. We are the pioneer in starting the “Doopler Treatment for Haemorrhoids” in 2004.

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awardsAccreditation & Awards

The Hospital organized a free checkup camp for PILES on 24th October 2013 in which 717 patients from all over India were examined. It was followed by one day free operation camp on 27th October 2013. Dr Suri single-handedly performed 391 free surgeries in 8 hours & 45 minutes setting a World Record.

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preventionPrevention For Piles

High-fibre foods
Ditch your white loaf for wholemeal or multigrain bread.
Try brown rice and wholemeal pasta for a change.
Eat more nuts and seeds. You could add them to breakfast cereals and sprinkle them onto salads.
Eat five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables a day.
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technology1Medical Technology

As new technologies are making rapid strides, the new ones are getting out of date, the hospital flows with the time by introducing the latest techniques in the field of Anorectal Diseases. For Piles, we use the latest technologies like IRC, Diode Laser, Doppler, MIPH.

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